
Author: Paweł Butwiłowski | Entry date: 18 June 2018
Ełk fan OUR!
The President of Elk from the June 19, invites you to "fan zone" that will be prepared on the town square 1 with Gate Gallery. You will be able to see performances of the Polish team, as well as matches semi finals and final of the football World Cup 2018 in Russia. Admission is free. Number of places limited.

Broadcast schedule of meetings:

·         June 19 at 7:00 pm. 17:00 – match with Senegal, the gates opened. 16:00

·         June 24 at 7:00 pm. 20:00 – match with Colombia, the gates opened. 19:00

·         June 28 at 7:00 pm. 16:00 – match with Japan, the gates opened. 15:00

·         July 10 and July 11-semi finals

·         14 July and 15 July – finals

Optionally, if Poland will come out from the Group:

·         2.3 July-1/8

·         6.7 Jul-1/4

Possible participation of persons with disabilities.

Limit the places – 950.

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