
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 09 January 2018
Ełk Swimming League – second round (14 January)
Municipal sports and Recreation in Elk invites you to participate in the "Ełckiej Swim League". Round II will take place on Sunday January 14, 2018 r. Overview. ełk County, 9:00 water park. Submissions can be emailed to 10 January 2018. Entry Fee-$ 5 per person.

In the event the ELP might take part each player requested by the school, Club, association or individual. However, participants under 18 must have access to the organizers of the current medical examination or a statement of parents about the lack of contraindications and agree to participate in the event.

Submissions can be emailed to 10 January 2018.


Women Men

1.50 m backstroke 1. 50 m backstroke

2.50 m freestyle 2. 50 m freestyle

3.50 m breaststroke 3. 50 m breaststroke

4.50 m butterfly 4. 50 m butterfly

Participants in each age category:

Elementary school:

·         2007 and younger (10 years old and younger) women and Men

·         2006 (11 years old) K and M

·         2005 (12 years old) K and M

·         2004 (13 years old) K and M

Junior high school:

·         2003 (14 years) K and M

·         2002 (15 years) K and M

Upper secondary school:

·         2001-1998 (16-19 years) K and M

Other categories:

·         20 + K and M

·         30 + K and M

·         40 + K and M

·         50 + K and M

·         60 + K and M

Event dates:

·         November 20, 2017. (Sunday)-round and – starting $5 per person

·         January 14, 2018 (Sunday) – Round II – start 5 € per person

·         18 February 2018 (Sunday) – Round 3 – start 5 zł per person

·         March 25, 2018 (Sunday) – Round IV-Starter 5 zł per person

In connection with the competition on 14 January, the pool will be excluded from use. 8:30-13:30. The recreation area will be able to use without any difficulties.

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