
Author: z. dabrowski | Entry date: 05 December 2017
Prize and award sports
The President of Elk admitted and award in the field of physical culture for high performance at the national and international arena. Meeting with ełckimi athletes was held on December 5 in the municipal town hall.

President Tomasz Andrukiewicz, having regard to the recommendation of the chapter. Scholarships and Awards for sports, decided to grant:

The award to David Dobkowskiemu in the field of physical culture in the category plays


  • 3. place on the European Championship SOCCER (European Amputee Football Championship) 1 – 10 October 2017.
  • 2. place in the Ampfutbolu League (April-August 2017.)

Honorable mention to Zbigniew Ciszewskiemu in the field of physical culture in the category plays


  • 1. place at the Polish Veterans in bodybuilding. 50-54 years, + 80 kg, 07-08 October 2017, Frost
  • 5. place World Cup Veterans in the world of bodybuilding. 50-54 years, + 80 kg, 10-13 November 2017, Bistriţa, Romania

Meeting with ełckimi athletes was held today (5 December 2017) in ełk Town Hall. On behalf of the President of the Elk Prize and award handed to Deputy President Artur Urbanski.