
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 16 November 2017
Joint projects, Elk, Kaunas and Alytusa
Two international projects Ełckie cultural center with grant in the framework of INTERREG V-and Lithuania-Poland. Within the framework of the tasks planned activities such as:creating in the space theme for seniors, ECK integration camps in Elk and Kaunas, as well as drumming workshops and concerts. The total value of the obtained measures is 162 thousand PLN .

Ełckie cultural center together with partners from Kaunas and Alytusa will deliver two EU-funded projects:

Project # 1-"Modern seniors – working together for

Active maturity '

Ełckie cultural center and the Association Initiatives Seniors from Kaunas (Lithuania) will work together to implement the project for seniors with Elk and Kaunas.

The total value of the project is 37061.85 € (approx £ 155,315.09)

The value of the part of the ECK-20503.00 € (approx £ 85921.92), including:

·         financial support (85%)-17427.55 € (approx £ 73033.63)

·         the contribution of self-3075.45 € (approx £ 12888.29)

Project will be carried out from February to September 2018.

Scheduled are the following:

1. the establishment in the ECK senior space

·       to adopt one of the halls for the project

·       execution of the renovation of the Hall and the purchase of necessary equipment

·       purchase 2 laptops – users will be able to use the Internet

·       the creation of meeting places for senior citizens with experts, such as a doctor, a psychologist, as well as to mutual integration

2. Flying seniors Club in Elk and Kaunas – mobile space SR.

·       a mobile tent, in which seniors will be able to learn to use your computer under the supervision of qualified instructors

·       the tent will be distributed withing in different parts of the Elk and Kaunas

3. Thematic integration camps in Elk and Kaunas,

·       culture, lifestyle, new technologies and physical activity

Project # 2-cooperation for social inclusion

"Hold music"

Ełckie cultural center and the Center for culture and communication in the Switchyard will jointly implement the project on social inclusion the residents of Elk and Alytusa.

The total value of the project is 49993.80 € (approx £ 209,257.58)

The value of the part of the ECK-25019.40 € (approx £ 104,848.80), including:

·       financial support (85%)-21266.49 € (approx £ 89121.48)

·       the contribution of self-3752.91 € (approx £ 15727.32)

Project will run from January to December 2018.

Within the task scheduled workshops drums body and concerts:

·       4 workshops in the Elk and 4 in Alytus

·       4 concerts in Elk and 4 in Alytus (in Elk will be groups from Lithuania, Lithuania-Polish)