
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 25 October 2017
Another gym off-road ready to use
At the request of the active population of the estate of a lake formed another outdoor gym in Elk. The task involved the supply and installation of new equipment at the oratory. John Bosco in Elk in the framework of the initiative of the Local Residents "on the air". The total amount of investment is ok. 27 thousand. zł.

Elk in a Lake under the initiative of the local Inhabitants was installed gym field on the air. Created by investment mount the following devices:

·         rower-1 set,

·         Rider-1 set,

·         bike-1 set,

·         skier-1 set,

·         pendulum + twister-1 set,

·         Runner double-1 set,

·         pressing + pylon + extrusion-1 set,

·         Elliptical Cross Trainer + pylon + Elliptical Cross Trainer-1 set,

·         Butterfly + pylon + Butterfly-1 set,

The work of the lead Company Handlowo Usługowe "MEVIUS ANOTHER" Matthew Cichowski, Majdan Brzezicki of sand. The total amount of the investment is 26654.10 €.

Thanks to this investment in our city is already 6 gym (locations):

1. Stadium MOSiR

2. in the sports park by the river

3. on the promenade next to the elementary school # 7

4. in the primary school No 3

5. on the estate of a Lake, on the promenade, near the wooden bridge

6. at the oratory. John Bosco in Elk (new)