
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 20 September 2017
Conference on "Great forgetting" within the framework of the world day of Alzheimer's
Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej in Elk, environmental House of self-help for people with Alzheimer's and other mental disorders in the Elk and the Association "together it's easier to" invite the 21 September for the Conference "Great forgetting" as part of the world Of Alzheimer's Disease. Start the event at 8:00 pm. Art School 10:00 in Elk. Participation is free of charge.

September 21 at 7:00 pm Art School 10:00 in Elk, ul. Army 21 will take place the Conference "Great forgetting" within the framework of the world day of Alzheimer's disease.

In the Conference can participate all who want to get medical expertise and practical in terms of therapeutic and caring. In particular, the guardians of people with Alzheimer's disease, families with sick, therapists.

Event invite: Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej in Elk, environmental House of self-help for people with Alzheimer's and other mental disorders in the Elk and the Association "together more easily."


·    h. 10:00-opening of the Conference.

·    h. 10:15-11:00-"Alzheimer's disease-the first symptoms and diagnosis". neurologist Ireneusz Chajewski

·    h. 11:00-11:45-"Alzheimer's disease-treatment specialist". psychiatrist Daniel Obara

·    h. 11:45-12:30-"forms of support and assistance to people with Alzheimer's and their families" – help on the site of the town of Ełk

·    h. 12:30-13:00-a report from an environmental Home self help for people with Alzheimer's and other mental disorders in ełk

·    Panel discussion and conclusion

More information-Marzena Ławska tel. 87 732-67-54

Within the framework of the celebration of the world day of Alzheimer's there were also:

·         September 7-outdoor workshop for people with Alzheimer's and other mental disorders, including a presentation of therapeutic activities

·         September 12-visit family physicians in ŚDS for people with Alzheimer's and other mental disorders in ełk

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