
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 17 August 2017
Size: school for the year 2017/2018
Disabled students beginning studies in the school year 2017/2018 can receive funding to purchase textbooks and educational materials. To take advantage of the grant application should be made to the principal of the school to which the student will be attending in the new school year. Deadline for submission of applications is September 8, 2017.

Funding for the purchase of textbooks in the school year 2017/2018 is disabled students:

1. who have low vision

2. deaf

3. słabosłyszącym

4. with intellectual disabilities to the extent that a light

5. with intellectual disabilities in moderate or severe

6. disabled, including with aphasia

7. with autism, including Asperger's syndrome

8. students with disabilities involved in the case, when one
9. disability is a disability listed above

10. with the decision of the need for special education p issuedby the Panel in a public clinic of psychological-pedagogical attending 2017/2018 school year:

·         class II and III the previous basic vocational school conducted
in trade school and degree

·         class and trade school and degree

·         high school, technical school, a special school przysposabiającej to work.

It is also possible to grant toorder educational materials for students with intellectual disabilities in moderate or severe and with a conjugated (combinable), when one of the disability disability intellectual moderate or significant, enrolled in the school year 2017/2018 to schools for children and young people to:

·         class II-III elementary school

·         class II and III of the basic professional schools so far carried out in schools and the degree of

·         class and trade school and degree

·         high school, technical school or special school przysposabiającej to work.

Educational material-should be understood material replacement or supplemental Handbook, for the implementation of the curriculum, with a paper form or electronically.

Aid is granted at the request of:

·         the student's parents (legal guardians, foster parents, people running family-run children's home)

·         an adult student

·         the teacher

·         social worker

·         other people, with the consent of the legal representative or the foster parents

The application must be submitted to the principal of the school in the city of Ełk, to which the student will be attending 2017/2018 school year within the deadline to September 2017.

The amount of funding to purchase textbooks range from $175 to $445, depending on to which type of school the child will attend school year 2017/2018.

In the school year 2016/2017 funding in the form of "Language School" received 122 students total amount: $29533.55 in full sfinansowanej with grants received from the State budget.