News - Sport

Another task assigned to the NGO of the year 2018 in ełk County
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 31 January 2018
The local Government Of Elk has been working with non-governmental organisations by having the implementation of their statutory tasks. In the municipality of Elk agreement signed us tępujące organizations: 1. the Association for the promotion of youth education initiative " ·         "School Lifeguard Club" Cor "-first aid-aid...
A new episode of "City News"-January 26
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 26 January 2018
In came the information about "new year Forum business and entrepreneurship" that took place in The working out of the possibilities by debt, ełk County tenants of premises of municipal and social terms of the city, a record number of births in 2017, "Ełckiej 3 + Family Tab" and " Ełckiej a senior Card ", as well as new service" TELECARE ", which soon will start the PUG in Elk. In...
Nearly 50 thousand. zł for holidays for children and adolescents with Elk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 25 January 2018
Funding has been granted to local non-governmental organisations providing relax during the winter holidays for children and adolescents with Elk (winter camps and sport camps) . The total amount granted 13 grants for winter holiday is £ 49 800, which include the following: ·         10 form fixed and 3 exit,...
Apply for the award of the White Lily for achievements in the year 2017
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 17 January 2018
The idea of this Prize rewards people who in a special way your daily work, activity and commitment to serve the city and its residents and contribute to the promotion of Elk. Awards are granted to natural persons, legal and other entities for outstanding achievements in the preceding calendar year or for activities in 8 categories: 1. Patron of the Sport, 2. Athlete of the year...
"Permafrost 2018". Awarded the best ełczanie
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 16 January 2018
Winter Games, proved to be a real challenge for the participants, who have decided to take part and check the boundaries of your own strength and resilience. In the "Ełckiej Zmarzlinie 2018" for a distance of 15 km 124 attended the players (including 69 ełczan), over a distance of 50 km – 231 players (including 93 ełczan), and at the distance of 100 km-70 players (including 10 ełczan)....
Take part in the competition for the best thesis about Elk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 12 January 2018
The competition is addressed to graduates of the master's degree, engineering, undergraduate, doctoral and postgraduate studies, writing his work about the Elk in the area eg. tourism and recreation, social policy, public administration or business development. It is already the 12TH Edition of the competition. The prize pool for this year is 15 000 zł. Works must be submitted by...
Ełk Swimming League – second round (14 January)
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 09 January 2018
In the event the ELP might take part each player requested by the school, Club, association or individual. However, participants under 18 must have access to the organizers of the current medical examination or a statement of parents about the lack of contraindications and agree to participate in the event. Submissions can be emailed to 10 January 2018. Competitions: Women...
For us the next edition of the "Ełckiej Permafrost" 2018
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 09 January 2018
Winter Games, proved to be a real challenge for the participants, who have decided to take part and check the boundaries of your own strength and resilience. The competition was attended by 426 daredevils, while 278 completed the players: 1.100 km – took off 71 people, younger than 22 people ·         1 place – Jędroszkowiak time 13:27:21...
Ełk Permafrost 2018
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 03 January 2018
The purpose of this tourist-sports events is to check the bounds of your own strength and mental resistance, presentation of the values of sightseeing and Elk County Ełckie, as well as promoting hiking and activities among the participants. To the professions reported its share of already 460 daredevils, including: ·         100 km – 70 people...
Watch the last episode of "City" in the year 2017
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 22 December 2017
In includes information about the adoption by the Council Of Elk on a budget, the year 2018, settled the X Edition of the competition for the best thesis related to Elk City ", as well as the Christmas Eve under the stars and Opłatku in Ełk County Cultural Center. In addition, in announcements and invitations to participate in the most interesting events. News program "City News" is...