
Author: Iga Arciszewska | Entry date: 02 May 2018
Check the results of their laboratory tests online
In the hospital, "Pro-Medica" in Elk SP. z o.o. has been activated service for access to the results of the individual laboratory tests over the Internet. Just in the hospital laboratory to retrieve account number and initial password to the login system.

From May 1, 2018, in the hospital, "Pro-Medica" in Elk SP. z o.o., via the Internet, you can check the results of the laboratory tests carried out by patients individually in the Central analytical laboratory and the Microbiological Laboratory.

Thanks to the new service deployed in ełk County Hospital can be an easier and direct access to the results of their research, without leaving home. The use of this solution is convenient and easy, and at the same time saves time that you would spend on access to the laboratory and personal reception results.

Results can be checked by logging in on the site

How do I get access to the site and how to use the service?

1. You must personally apply for the hospital laboratory, in order to assign customer account number and initial password to login system

2. Activate user account

3. account allows access only to the results of research of the person to whom is assigned

4. User Guide is available below the logon box under the link "help"