
Author: Magdalena Nowikowska | Entry date: 12 April 2018
Three romantic comedies "the bear," "the Proposal" and "Jubilee"
Ełckie Cultural Center on April 13, offers the spectacle of Three romantic comedies "the bear", "marriage proposal" and "Jubilee" Anton Chekhov. The presentation will begin at 7:00 pm 18:00. Tickets available at the box office ECK or at:

On Friday (April 13). 18.00 in Ełk County Cultural Center will be able to watch Three romantic comedies "the bear," "the Proposal" and "Jubilee" songs full of action, dynamism and great dialogue.

The spectacle was directed by an experienced and well known ełckiej the public actor and co-creator of the theatre Węgrzyna in Elk-Piotr Kowalewski, accompanied by on stage will be, Olga Chrzanowska and Jan Kowalewski-student Government The higher Theatre school in Wroclaw.

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