
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 05 April 2018
The program "Candis in Elk" with the grant of the Ministry of health
The Association "alternative" has acquired a 45 thousand. with the Ministry of health, for the implementation of the project "Candis in Elk". The task is to increase the availability and offers Counseling and awareness-consultation Elk, for people who have problems due to the use of marijuana or hashish.

"Emma" is an individual, short-term therapeutic program for people who have problems due to the use of marijuana or hashish. In the program may participate for guests over 16 years of age, who would like to limit or opt out of the use of cannabis. Project will be implemented by December 2018 and will take part in it 60 people. Treatment is free of charge.

For the implementation of the project, the Association has acquired a 45 thousand. grants from the Ministry of health. Other measures to carry out clinic (6200) come from the budget Of the elk.

The program includes 11 session lasting 90 minutes each that are made within 2 to 3 months and have individual conversations with a therapist. Attachment therapy is carried out by certified professionals addiction therapy.

Therapy in "Emma" is carried out in several stages:

·       the therapy strengthens the motivation is to help in the diagnosis and strengthening the patient's readiness to change

·       elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy to assist the patient in learning the skills to help him change the patterns of behaviour related to the use of cannabis

·       problem-solving training techniques to improve the effectiveness of the patient in dealing with mental health problems or social, that can be both a cause and a consequence of using hemp products

Outpatient treatment and prophylaxis-Elk Advisory work. Małeckich 3/18.

Project is co-financed by the Fund of gambling there are Troubleshooting of the Ministry of health and from the budget Of the elk. With funding, it is possible to continue the implementation of the programme "Candis" in our city.