
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 28 March 2018
"Elk Preschoolers on Plus"
The town of Ełk from September 1, 2018, in 6 ełckich nursery will deliver the project "Ełckie Preschoolers on Plus". The value of the project 504 thousand. zł.

President Tomasz Andrukiewicz March 26, signed an agreement with the Board in Warmińsko-Mazurskie, for the implementation of the project "Ełckie Preschoolers on plus".

The aim of the project is to provide high-quality pre-primary education, raising the standards of educational services, by raising the educational database functionality, and support and development of key competences in children with 6 ełckich kindergartens:

·         MP Gem

·         MP Forget-me-not

·         MP Light

·         MP fairy tale

·         MP Mali Explorers

·         MPiŻ Ekoludki

Children will participate in developing key competencies in the areas of:

·         communication in foreign languages

·         social competences

·         the sense of

·         entrepreneurship

·         creativity in English

·         artistic activities and creative

·         computer classes and using IT

The total value of the project is more than 504 thousand. zł, including:

• funding from the EU – ok. 429 thousand. PLN

• contribution-ok. 76 thousand. PLN

Project will run from 1 September to 31 August 2018 2020.

The task is funded from the European Social Fund under the regional operational programme of Warmia and Mazury for years 2014-2020.