
Author: admin | Entry date: 27 March 2018
XLIII Elk City Council Session
On Tuesday March 27, 2018 at 10:00 pm 11:00 in a conference room of the city of Elk, there will be a common Elk City Council session XLIII.

 Proposed agenda :

1. Opening of the session, the legitimacy of the proceedings.

2. Approval of the minutes of the previous session of the Council (no XLII. 18).

3. approval of agenda.

4. Report on the activities of the Mayor of the city of Elk for the period between the sessions.

5. To take decisions in the cases:

1) amendments to the Multiannual financial forecast Of Elk for the years 2018-2027,

2) changes in the budget of the city of Elk in the year 2018,

3) grant in 2018 year grants for restoration work, was put up and works at monuments entered in the register of monuments located in the city of Ełk,

4) acquisition jobs belonging to the scope of the Government concerning the maintenance of graves and cemeteries of war,

5) determine the interest rate on the sale of a dwelling to the tenant,

6) give street names-General Fieldorf "Nila",

7) naming rondu soldiers Diehard,

8) accession to the development of urban spatial plan "S-Zone"

9) determine the rules for the award, and the size of the reductions in weekly mandatory dimension hours classroom, educational and caring teachers, entrusted with the management position in schools (school teams), kindergartens and educational institutions, rules, freeing them from the obligation to implement these activities and weekly mandatory dimension hours teachers not listed in the article. 42 paragraph 1. 3-the teacher's Card,

10) determine the time free teaching, education and care and the level of charges for the use of pre-school in public nursery schools,

11) establish funding plan forms of professional development of teachers employed in schools and institutions carried out by the municipality In Ełk on the year 2018,

12) detailed rules for the payment of remuneration for the stay at the Senior Club support "Senior +",

13) consideration re complaint for activities of the Mayor of the city of Elk,

14) Division of Elk on the fixed voting circuits, determine their numbers, boundaries and the peripheral electoral commissions.

6. Report on the implementation of the "Urban Programme for counteracting drug addiction" for the year 2017.

7. Report on the implementation of the Urban Prevention and solving alcohol problems "for the year 2017.

8. Report on the implementation of the "Municipal domestic violence prevention program and to the protection of victims of violence in the family the city of Elk for the period 2016-2020" for the year 2017.

9. Report on the implementation of the tasks from the scope of the foster families in Ełk and "ProgramuWspierania Family for the years 2016-2018" for the year 2017.

10. Report on the implementation of the "Family Card Ełckiej 3 +" for the year 2017.

11. Report on the implementation of the "Ełckiej Senior Card" for the year 2017.

12. Questions and queries. 13 claims and free applications.

14. Termination of the proceedings.