
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 23 March 2018
Dog PILE into the trash!
Melting snow once again explores the problem of dog faeces in urban space. We urge you to liability to the owners of the tetrapods. To maintain cleanliness in the city and take care of the overall aesthetics you should clean up rubbish left by the animals taken on walks.

Recumbent on the lawns animal waste call reluctance and make urban space becomes a little aesthetic and environmentally friendly.

In relation to persons who do not comply with this obligation municipality will have drawn the consequences in accordance with art. 145. the code of offences, namely:

who pollutes or clutter up the space available to the public and, in particular, road, street, square, Garden, lawn or zieleniec, shall be fined up to 500 dollars or punishable by reprimand .

In the Elk are special distributors of bags with the blades on the animal. They are situated in the most frequented points of the city, including

·  the promenade: a playground. Pulaski and at Villa Park

·  in the Park in part of education and sports

·  Municipal beach

·  OS. Lake (ul. Grajewska, ul. Wyszynski, skwer ks. Fox)

·  OS. Konieczki (square green)

·  Stadion (ul. Piłsudski)

·  Villa Polonia (ul. The Slovak)

·  UL. Żeromski

·  UL. Vilnius

·  UL. Beautiful

Municipal police gets the attention and can punish the owners of the tetrapods:

·  admonition,

·  criminal mandate (up to 500).

However, if you refuse to accept the mandate, the Court directed requests for punishment.

Thank you all,

who have responsibility

and social maturity.