
Author: z. dabrowski | Entry date: 05 March 2018
Superb anniversary 100 birthday
Livingstone Janczewski celebrated today 100 birthday anniversary. This day was spent in the company of close family and invited guests. On this occasion the Mayor of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz made today Jubilatowi warmest wishes.

Livingstone is one of the oldest inhabitants of our city. He was born March 4, 1918 in the town of Bielow. Childhood and youth spent in the village of Jedwabne in and around Łomża. The Elk comes after World War II as one of the first inhabitants. All his life he became involved with our city, he worked as a driver: first alerted the rescue, then in PKS ridden buses, then drove a truck. Together with his wife raised three children. In his spare time he in the Centre of culture and sang in the choir.

Today's Anniversary is unusual and important moment not only for you, but also for family and friends. During the birthday guests presented a commemorative book your birthday child.   A beautiful coat of arms of ancestral and family tree of the family Janczewskich and family photos.

On the occasion of the Jubilee President Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz, together with the Secretary of the town and the head of the registry office Martin Radziłowiczem have made Mr. Casimir warmest wishes, health, serenity and love and care on the part of the family and friends.