
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 15 February 2018
Three romantic comedies "the bear," "the Proposal" and "Jubilee"
Ełckie Cultural Center on February 16 at 8:00 pm. 19:00 invites you to the premiere of the play Anthony Chekhov Three romantic comedies "the bear," "the Proposal" and "Jubilee". Tickets available at the box office or at the ECK

In the days of 16-17 February 2018, ECK will be able to see the spectacle of Three romantic comedies "the bear," "the Proposal" and "Jubilee".

Dates of productions:
February 16 at 7:00 pm: 19:00 – the Prime Minister, the ticket price-30 PLN

February 17 at 7:00 pm: 17:00, ticket price-30 PLN

February 17 at 7:00 pm: 19:30, ticket price-30 PLN

Three Romantic Comedies:
Seemingly three different stories combines common denominator-feelings. On stage we see the entire range of emotions, from love after hate, from anger to passion. These wonderful "stage jokes" carried out by the greatest Polish artists of the theatre play already tens of thousands of spectators.

The strength of the comedy of the situation and the very colorful characters drawn with the pen great playwright Anton Chekhov are enough reason to watch this show. The spectacle was directed by an experienced and well known ełckiej the public actor and co-creator of the theatre Węgrzyna in Elk-Piotr Kowalewski.

On stage, in those witty stories, during one performance in oh-so-different charakterologicznie characters accompany him will be Olga Chrzanowska and Jan Kowalewski-student State higher Theatre school in Wroclaw.

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