
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 14 February 2018
Meeting in ełk Town Hall-"source of green energy"
The town of Ełk, School leaders and the Foundation Veolia Poland 16 February 2018, serve information meeting "sources of green energy. The meeting will take place at 10:00 pm 13:00 in the Conference Room UM Elk.

The meeting takes place in the framework of the exit of participants of the School Leaders Of Elk and will be conducted by experts from the Veolia Energy Poland S.A. and Veolia Term S.A.

During the meeting they discussed the following topics:

·         Small fuel-fired heating plants as an alternative.

·         Waste water treatment plants as a source of green energy.


In program:

H. 13:00-Welcome

H. 13:15

·         Presentation: Small heating plants alternative fuel-fired-closing the loop economy cyrkularnej in waste management. Norbert Skibiński-Director. Industrial projects in Veolia Energy Poland S.A.

H. 14:15

·  Presentation: wastewater treatment plant as a source of green energy. Adrian Studniczek-Director. The Group's Development, Veolia Term S.A.

Filed under presentation:

·       Implementation of the life idea of economy closed-circuit on the example of the project the use of heat in waste water to heat the city through heat pumps

·       Cogeneration in biogas, which is used of the by-product wastewater treatment of biogas

·       Changing the fuel mix in the district heating system by using water-system drainage

·       This type of financing projects based on the idea of Clusters of energy

For more information contact Mr. Maciej Juchniewicz, Elk City, 87 732 61 86, [email protected]