
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 01 February 2018
The library in Elk enlarges your collection
City public library. Zofia Nasierowskiej in Elk in 2017, bought a record number of almost 2903 traditional books and 179 books.  The library also has expanded its collection of Board Games.

The collections were supplemented by best sellers and new arrivals show currently on the publishing market detective stories, romances, novels, reports, literature beletrystyczna (manners, adventure, historical, science fiction), as well as cartoons and short stories for younger readers, comics, books, dictionaries and lexicons.

Among the newly-purchased copies were 2903 books, 179 audiobooks and 61 Board Games. The total value of your purchase amount ok 82 thousand. zł.

Now in the ełckiej library are:

· 104 108-volumes (books, traditional)

· 1340- audiobooks

· 64-videos

· 287-Board Games