
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 30 January 2018
The opening of the Senior Club in Elk
Seniors Club "Senior" in Elk is located on the ground floor of the building at ul. Piłsudski 10. The aim of the Club activities will be supporting older people in their daily functioning. The facility was established with seed money funding the Ministry of family, work and social policy. The total cost of the investment is 150 k. zł.

Today (30 January) held a ceremonial opening of the seniors Club "Senior" in Elk. With activities in the Club will be able to use mainly non-active residents of Elk, above 60 years of age, including people with disabilities.

The total cost of the investment is 150 k. zł, including funding in the amount of 120 thousand. $ the Ministry of family, work and social policy.

The aim of the activities of the Club "Senior +" will be

·       supporting older people in their daily functioning in the place of residence

·       countering the isolation and marginalization of older people

·       activation of elderly

·       assistance in procuring leisure skills

·       discovering and developing interests

Scheduled task in the Club, it's

·       educational activities (biblioterapia, lectures, talks)

·       occupational therapy

·       activities to improve mobility, physical activity, physiotherapy

·       leisure activities

·       cultural events

·       providing support to preserve family ties-working with your family

·       cooperation with medical institutions and institutions that have impact on improving the lives of seniors

·       animation of the local environment for the elderly

The Club is open from Monday to Friday. 9:00-17:00.