
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 26 January 2018
Measures to support economic activity residents of Elk
Therefore, the Agency ZIT MOF Elk informs. Will soon call for proposals to support employment ełczan at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Envelope is ok. 2.5 million.

In 2018, the next EU budget available for Elk in the framework of the integrated territorial investment.

One of the areas on which you will be able to acquire funding, is to use the instruments of an educational, professional, social and health to stir up the inhabitants of the City Elk and Elk on the labour market. The first call for proposals in March!

EU support can be directed to the people from the town of Ełk and/or the municipality of Elk that are at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

The pool of available resources is ok. 2.5 million. However, the level of funding will be up to 95% of the expenditure to be incurred in the framework of the project.

Funding will be able to apply for entities operating on the basis of statutory records or other documents (e.g.. , A certificate of registration in the register of economic activities) in the sphere of:

·    the labour market

·    assistance and social integration

·    the professional and social rehabilitation of disabled persons, with the exception of natural persons (not applicable for people doing business or teaching activities on the basis of the provisions of separate)

Projects may include the Organization and financing of

·    traineeships and apprenticeships

·    courses and training

·    the cost of medical examinations related to taking up employment

·    professional advisers, a job coach, a coach, an Assistant of a disabled person

·    support individual and group in the field of improving professional competence

·    school related complement to education or activities within the framework of lifelong learning, aimed at getting a profession or vocational preparation

·    activities for the development of skills and social competences.

Source grants: regional operational programme of Warmia and Mazury for the years 2014-2020, Measure 11.1.3. "Social and professional activation of people excluded or at risk of social exclusion – ZIT Elk".

More information: UM Elk-Office Connection ZIT MOF Elk Street. Małeckich 3/12, Tel. 87 73 26 184/240 and on the website