
Author: admin | Entry date: 14 December 2017
Anniversary celebration of the introduction of martial law
The city's celebration of 36 anniversary of the introduction of martial law in Poland on December 13, took place in the municipality of Elk. 

They took part representatives of trade unions, interned residents of Elk and births, as well as representatives of the historical Museum in Elk. The Mayor of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz thanked people interned till, and all participants for memory and their participation in the meeting, people also received souvenir albums "Elk Lake District".

During the ceremony also took place the opening of the exhibition "martial Elk 1981-1983" and lecture Dr. Martin Zwolskiego. After the meeting at the Office of the participants went to mass at the Cathedral of St. Adalbert in ełk.

The introduction of martial law in Poland

On the night of 12 to 13 December 1981 year, by Decree of the Council of State was declared martial law. The Authority took created December 12 military Council of national salvation, with Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelskim. Subsequent years have brought increased activity environments and opposition repression Communist authorities.