
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 02 November 2017
Retrofit of drainage in the Kosciuszko Street
Soon will begin renovation of drainage network in ul. Kosciuszko in Elk, the section from ul. The Slovak Republic ul. Orzeszkowej. Within the framework of the tasks will be  rebuilt conflict joins plumbing and drains. The total cost of the investment is 376 thousand. zł.

The planned investment will be on execution of the renovation of an existing concrete channel of the rainforest in the ul. Kosciuszko In Elk. The work will be carried out trenchless.

Will be performed the following work:

·       a temporary installation for pumping wastewater storm for renovation, in order to protect buildings from flooding

·       renovation of rain channels, trenchless

·       renovation of a well wet

·       replacement crowns well regulated with rain covers

·       reconstruction of the water connections

·       reconstruction of the sewage system connections

·       recreating paving bitumen roadway and adjacent sidewalks in terms of damage

·       recreating possibly devastated green after carried out construction works

The agreement was signed and construction passed the contractor company investment P.H.U. "AKWA" j. Bishop. S. Shepherd SP. j. from Zabrze. The total cost of the investment is 376,371.39 €.

Expected date of completion of the works is half the December 2017.