
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 10 October 2017
Elk Child Day Lost
On Tuesday 11 October 2017, will take place at the elk Child Day Lost. As part of the celebrations. 16:30 exercised will be the solemn Mass in the Church. . John the Apostle and Evangelist in Elk, and then the collective burial of children lost to the municipal cemetery No. 1.

Within the framework of the ełckich of the celebrations will be held a solemn Mass for the intentions of the parents who have experienced the loss of their children, then to the municipal cemetery # 1 in Elk, ul. The cemetery, there will be a collective burial of children lost. Start your child's Day Lost (11 October). 16:30 in the Church. . John the Apostle and Evangelist in Elk, ul. Toruń 1.

In Elk, in accordance with the order of the Mayor of the city of Elk, of 1 July 2014, burials of children lost and left behind in the hospital are held twice a year and are financed with funds from the city budget. The collective burial organizes Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej in Elk.

The purpose of giving the respect due to children lost and anxious parents in pain after losing their children, was designated the burial place of the municipal cemetery # 1 in Elk. The collective burials will enable a decent farewell.

By running the appropriate legal procedures, parents can bury their lost child individually or in an existing in the Municipal Cemetery here.