
Author: Adrian Cybulski | Entry date: 12 July 2017
Masurian Drive-in

Ełckie Cultural Center invites you to the next edition of "the Masurian car cinema", a summer outdoor event in France in Elk. This year two scheduled screenings. The first video will be displayed on Friday July 14 (Friday) at 8:00 pm. 21:30. It will be a romantic comedy "my best friend's Girl". Thanks to the radioindustry can receive audio in their own car. Admission is free.

July 14 (Friday) at 8:00 pm. 21:30 in France in Elk will be held the first projection of the film "Masurian car cinema". You will see romantic comedy "my best friend's Girl".

Masurian Drive-in "in France in Elk:

  • July 14-"my best friend's Girl". 21:30

  • August 25 – "John Rambo". 21:00

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