
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 12 July 2017
"The treasure in the Castle"-holiday activities for kids
Ełckie Cultural Center on 18-28 July 2017 offers holiday activities for children aged 6-12 years of "the treasure of the Castle". Classes are held at the school of Art in Elk. Number of places limited. Premium is paid.

The theme of this year's holidays are the medieval castles and their secrets.
Age groups: 6-9 and 10-12 in the class will take a total of 45 people. Cost: $100/per person per trip.


·         dance classes, art, ceramics, theatre, music and entertainment

·         creativity workshop

·         projections of fairy tales in the cinema ECK.

Classes are held:

·         h. 10:00-13:00 (Tuesday-Thursday)-art school

·         h. 11:00 (Fri) – cinema ECK

The entries in the registry of the art school, ul. Army 21, 87 520-00-48, 726-333-200

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