
Author: Z. Dąbrowski | Entry date: 05 July 2017
Ełk County task assigned to NGOs.
In 2017, the Mayor of the city of Elk admitted to non-governmental organisations including 203 grants worth more than 1.7 million. The total value of completed tasks is the amount of almost $4 million.

The local Government Of Elk has been working with non-governmental organisations by having the implementation of their statutory tasks. In 2017. Elk City has conducted 28 competitions, the contest procedure is requested 243 deals.

The President of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz admitted before 203 grants for an amount of $1 713 065. The total value of the tasks that have been accomplished in the framework of competitions, the amount 3 913 821.

Currently, recruitment is carried out in 5 competitions:
  1. Pozakonkursowy mode (small) article. 19A
  2. Activities from the scope of the prevention of drug dependence and addiction behavior for children, youth and adults-$ 6 250 funds available
  3. Culture and protection of national heritage-organisation of events in the Elk-funds available $3 876
  4. Physical culture and sport-sport mass-funds available $15 290
  5. Physical culture and sport-competition-resources available 24 000 zł

The total amount of available funds is $49 416.

Tenders may be submitted:

  • included a mode to November 30, 2017, or earlier in the case of the budgetary resources for the implementation of the task
  • of recruitment in open competition bids to September 29, 2017, or earlier in the case of the budgetary resources for the implementation of the task.