
Author: pg | Entry date: 06 July 2017
An Italian concert choir of Orbassano and ełckie Counterpoint
Chorus of the Italian town of Orbassano partner occurs together with a counterpoint chorus of ełk. The joint concert scheduled on Saturday 8 July at 19:00 in the Church of the sacred heart of Jesus in Elk. Admission is free.

On 7-9 July 2017 Elk visits a choir from Orbassano-Italian city partnership Elk. Scheduled a joint concert of the choir and the choir of Counterpoint with Elk. The concert will be held on Saturday, July 8, at 19:00 in the Church of the sacred heart of Jesus in Elk. Admission is free. In addition, on Sunday 9 July both choirs will ensure the housing Mass at 10:00.
