
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 06 June 2017
"VII Ełckie job fair is the key to success!"
Youth Career Center VLC in ełk 7 June at 10:00 pm 10:00 invites young people learning, seeking work or unemployed to "VII Ełckie key job fair em to success! ". Start the event at 8:00 pm. 10:00 at the higher school of Finance and management in Białystok, in Elk. Admission is free.

7 June 2017, will take place at the "VII Ełckie job fair is the key to success!". The event invites the Youth Career Center VLC. The start of the fair. 10:00 in WSFiZ in Bialystok, in Elk, ul. » 1


·         presentation of the current vacancies on the local and foreign markets work,

·          "I did"-meeting with young entrepreneurs,

·         "my first job"-will be specialists from Regional Labour Inspectorate,

·         debate "where to start? College vs self employed ",

·         the aid rate przedmedycznej,

·         individual consultations with specialists of the labour market (EURES advisers, brokers work, advisors, PIP).

Event under the patronage of the Mayor of the city of Elk Thomas Andrukiewicza.

For more information visit: