News - Videos of the series happens in ełk

Zander piernikowym sauce-awarded during the competition with a ladle of the President
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 22 June 2018
13TH "Culinary Contest of the Ladle of the Mayor of the city of Elk" And place ·         Fish "Shark" ·         Fried Pike perch on the piernikowym sauce. This mousse of cauliflower and beet, firewood from the kindziuka, compressed cucumber and potato in ashes 2nd Prize ex aequo...
For us Disco Polo Gala in ełk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 21 June 2018
Before ełcką the audience experienced teams: Center, Whispers, Playboys and Beautiful and young Relationship: Relationship: More on:
Rope park season has started-see short video
Author: Paweł Butwiłowski | Entry date: 07 May 2018
Look for Elk-see video and pictures
Author: Paweł Butwiłowski | Entry date: 07 May 2018
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