Notable events in history

Date: 13 March 2025
Notable events in history

A few significant facts from the history of Elk:

1398r.-1406r. arises the castle on the island. Its founder is Ulrich von Jungingen

1425r. Elk
1513r. Elk already has its own seal with a coat of arms depicting a deer with a raised head facing the lion page jumper among the trees
1560r. the privilege of organising the weekly market
1669r. the Act of confirmation of the City Charter and give the benefit of the fourth fair
1709r.-1710r. plague deprived life ok. 1300 with 2000 inhabitants
1720r. setting up the urban school
1754r. setting up the first pharmacy
Polish teachers ' Seminary was founded 1800r tuner, which the organizer and the head was arcyprezbiter ełcki-Timothy Gizewiusz, an excellent connoisseur j. Polish
1818r. Elk became the county town
1842r. appears the first number of the magazine "Friend of the people Ełcki"
1868r. opening the railway line Ełk-Königsberg
1876r. the Telegraph in ełk
1898r. the phone in ełk
1910-1917. narrow gauge railway was built. The line runs from Elk to the turn-based (48 km)
1920r. a plebiscite-Elk remains within Germany
1945. Elk wins the Red Army 06.04.
1945 the city passes into the hands of the Polish
1992. the establishment of the Diocese of Ełckiej
1999. the visit of the Holy Father John Paul II (the largest Congregation in the history of the city). 300,000 pilgrims

