Date: 23 January 2025
On a visit to Russia and Lithuania

On Saturday 6 September on Ozierska in the Kaliningrad region participated President Tomasz Andrukiewicz and Director of Ełckie Centrum Kultury Beata Makuch.

During the ceremony, the President and Director of the ECK talked about cultural and sporting projects in 2009.

In this year's celebration of the great numbers attended the inhabitants of Ozierska. During the holidays, in the form of the Festival, military brass band, national and folk Russian teams, organized an exhibition of floral arrangements. In a special way featured were this year's newlyweds, jubilaci celebrating the 50th anniversary of the marriage and the parents of newborns. By Oziersk traveled also a cavalcade of motorcycles, and the whole thing ended with Fireworks. On the days Ozierska came also the official delegations of the administration of the Kaliningrad region, and with representatives of the Polish district ełckie and węgorzewskiego. The Mayor also met with Deputy Mayor Guseva. During the meeting, they discussed on draft regeneration (recovery) of degraded redevelopment and powojskowych. Gusev at present carries out such a project based on the work of pokonkursowe, where it was developed the vision of architectural and urban referring architecture and solutions to turn of the 19th and 20th century.

Each year the days 6 and 7 September are celebrated as the feast of Ozierska.

December 13, 2007, Mayor Tomasz Andrukiewicz and mer Ozierska Sergei Kuznetsov signed in Elk Declaration of cooperation and partnership between the two Governments in the field of culture, sport, environment, entrepreneurship, cooperation, non-governmental organizations. The implementation of these projects is to be carried out through the implementation of joint projects, the exchange of content using the means the European Union intended to work trans.

on September 4, President of the City Council, the Manager of the ECK and the staff of the Office of the city met in Alytus in Lithuania on the implementation of the project of construction of the amphitheatre in Elk and Switchyard. In this respect, the two Governments signed a declaration of cooperation. The joint project will be competed in the contest within the framework of the European territorial cooperation (cross-border co-operation programme Lithuania-Poland). The budget is powered from a European programme for regional development of the European Union.
