(POST) Local government education policy 2016-2023

Date: 02 February 2025
(POST) Local government education policy 2016-2023

POST program (education policy of local government) is a local educational concept of the city and the municipalities of the County ełckie.

The primary goal of our local education policy is to prepare students for adult life, to know how to they take to meet the multiple social roles, and the way in which it will pursue was in line with the expectations of parents, students and the local community.

Inaugurating the Conference works POST in ełk and took place on June 24, 2015. Local governments in conjunction with the CEO (the Centre for citizenship education)-have taken the work related to the development of educational strategies "Educational Policy of local government for the period 2016-2023".

The involvement of many people, institutions, enterprises, associations, residents of Elk County in the POST creation Ełckie gives a sense of high priority to education and need further development to the education of the young generation, as well as improve the quality of life for residents. The main assumptions and work schedule shows during the said Conference inaugurating the POST.

Writing strategy only from behind a desk clerical gone. Therefore, we have created the space for the discussion of education not only among the directors and teachers, but also residents. In the course of its work on this important document in the course of environmental meetings all interested in developing education in the city of ełk and had the opportunity to speak, an expression of their own observations, comments and proposals.

Cycle 11 environmental meetings: October 2015-December 2015 was the phase of discussion and the scaling of interest groups. In this phase, conducted social discussion with the participation of representatives of different backgrounds, which has allowed to identify the most important social expectations in the area of education and the resulting strategic objectives for local education.

The results of the discussion are summarized social local Educational Forum in Łękuku k/Wydmin on 15 and 16 February 2016. Participants of the forum, representatives of environmental meetings had intended to systematize all collected at meetings and on the basis of these objectives, to build a list of objectives for the development for the coming years.

The culmination of the total activity was the development of the draft resolution and sending a document to the decision-making body of the municipality Of Elk, containing strategic goals the development of local education for the period 2016-2023. The resolution was adopted by the Council Of Elk on 22 March 2016. NO. XVI. 174.16.

On the basis of the adopted strategic objectives have been developed – with the participation of Directors, pedagogical councils, parents and students-detailed action plans for the coming years.

The task of present day in making our local educational policy is the development of methods of analysis and assessment of costs of activities. Team project will be prepared to monitor the action plan.

The final phase of the development of local education policy for the city of Elk 2016-2023 POST will be the preparation and the adoption by the Council of the city of Elk resolution: covering the objectives, tasks to accomplish and ways of achieving them in the period from 2016-2023. This stage is yet to come.
